Air Cooling Units

Air Cooling Units

The basic principle of HANDLAIR air cooling unit / air washer units is that the taken in and filtered for its particulate matter by suitably designed filters. The fresh, filtered air is then made to pass through specially designed honeycomb structure of cellulose paper fills media, which has water absorbing properties. The air when passes through the fill media, absorbs the water and loses heat in the process. This makes air cool, which when supplied to the work area, provides comfortable conditions inside the work area. These units are available with capacity varying from 2500 cu.meter per hour to 2,00,000 with combinations of single and multiple blowers. Air cooling units are also manufactured with spray type cooling sections, as per customer requirements. The unit chamber is normally fabricated with standard G.P. Sheet and powder coated for longer life. These are available in single skin as well as in double skin construction.

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