Agricultural Powder Sprayer Triplex Piston Pumps

Agricultural Powder Sprayer Triplex Piston Pumps

Voltech Industrial Products offers Agricultural Powder Sprayer Triplex Piston Pumps. Applications: spraying agro chemicals in the orchards and the fields; spraying poultry farms, ginning press mills; automobile service stations; boiler feed pumps; jet spray cleaning systems; and many other multipurpose applications. Performance: capacity - 36 LPM (2160 LPH); pressure - 400 PSI (28 kg/cm2); and material - brass, stainless steel, cast iron. Features: heavy duty power efficient; sturdy construction; develops maximum pressure up to 300/400 PSI at 950 RPM; horizontal stainless steel piston; all working parts are lubricated by oil bath; provides by-pass cum pressure regulating valve and pressure vessel; and also available attach with engine or electric motor or tractor.

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