
  • Due to the compressibility of the gas, nitrogen, the bladder accumulator enables to stock and return a liquid under store, pressure; to increase production rates due to large instantaneous flow rates that only accumulators can provide
  • The accumulator's ability to run independently moderates its installation cost while reducing your equipment running cost
  • This accumulator comprises a forged steel shell, a fluid port assembly and a rubber bladder compatible with a large number of fluids; it's special design allows the bladder (the strategic component) to compress and deform into 3 lobes in order for the accumulator to store, then to deliver the fluid under pressure, as required
  • Min/max working temperature acceptable (°Celsius) – -40/+150 following the constructions; shell material – alloyed steel; rubber compound NBR, IIR, EPDM, etc.; protections – bare metal, electro-chemical coating, epoxy resins, PTEE.

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