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Truvolt Engineering Company Private Limited offers a wide range of voltage variation auto transformers are used to get the fixed out put voltage by applying Automatic Tap Changing Equipment. In Rural power distribution line Auto transformer regulate the voltage to obtain require amount of out put voltage as auto booster. As component part with Arc furnace duty Main transformer for obtaining variable output with the Tap changing Equipment (O.L.T.C.). Design Parameter: High Factor of safety , Robust Design, low power consumption, High mechanical strength to withstand the Symmetrical fault, Efficient voltage regulation, Accuracy class. Construction: Follow up the clearance with due respect of voltage class in accordance with IS-2026, Use of M.S core clamp with acid treatment ,fine surface finishing and oil resistant painting, Use of of strain less steel flitch plate core stud clamping rod by proper machining for obtaining the require dimensions, Use of M.S. Fabricated tank of every part fine surface finishing ,robust support with stiffeners with acid treatment and painted after sand blasting, Prime core of 0.27 mm thickness with 1.6 wb/m2 proper laminated core used at assembly stage and stiffen with poly glass tape by Iron pressed, Copper conductors & bar of 99.9 % Electrolytic grade copper with good conductivity used for making winding and insulated with paper, Insulating materials & wooden supports with well tested & high tensile strength good toughness.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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