Sugarcane Trash Shredder Machine

Sugarcane Trash Shredder Machine

Deccan Farm Equipments a group of companies focused on manufacturing farm supplements offers Sugarcane Trash Shredder Machine. Pushpak Thrash Shredder is a modern technology, tractor PTO drawn machine, used for chopping the dry leaves & crop residue on the fields in to small pieces. Thrash-shredder ( Leaf Shredder) works on vaccum principal & Cutter bar assembly. The vaccum drum; sucks the dry leaves from the field & feeds them in to Cutter bar assembly, where the leaves are cut in to small pieces & spread back on the ground.

The Organic residue cut in to small pieces by Thrash Shredder; gets converted in to organic manure there by increasing the the fertility of the soil. The layer of cut leaves by the thrash shredder & spread on the soil, helps to reduce the evaporation of water content in the soil by sun there by helping water conservation. TBy using the Thrash Shredder, the yield of the crop from the soil increases, there by giving more profits to the farmers.

The old practice of burning the dry leaves in the farms was wrong because its caused ash & smoke bad for environment. Also the good Organisms from the soil get destroyed due to fire, which is again loss to the farm land ecology. Hence Thrash Shredder is a marvel new implement, which is really a boon to the farming practice.

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