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HRS Process Systems Private Limited has introduced a revolutionary corrugated tube technology for the process industry. The company is offering corrugated tube heat exchangers in the form of shell and tube heat exchangers. Both employ corrugated tubes instead of plain tubes. The corrugated tubes take the best features of both the plain tube and the plate heat exchanger. The tubes are corrugated to induce turbulence in both flows (product and service) at lower velocities. This not only increases thermal efficiency but also eliminates product channelling. Thermal efficiency is so improved, that for typical thin film applications heat transfer area can be reduced to less than half of that required in a plain tubular heat exchanger. Salient features of the corrugated tube heat exchangers include a compact tubular heat exchanger, long running times due to turbulent flow, low maintenance costs, minimum spares requirement, lower heat transfer areas, minimum fouling that leads to high response to CIP, wide choice of MOC, and uniform thermal processing. The corrugated tube heat exchangers, available in various models, can be had with SS 304/L, 316/L, Cu Ni, Hastelloy, Alloy 20, Duplex, Titanium, etc. Offering more flexibility in annular space sizing, the corrugated heat exchangers find application in automotive, chemical processing, pharmaceutical, petrochemicals, fertilizers, edible oil, paper and pulp, power, steel, coal, oil and refinery, food and beverage processing industry and many others.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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