Pultruded Cooling Towers

Pultruded Cooling Towers

Paltech Cooling Towers & Equipments Ltd offers a range of Pultruded Cooling Towers. Paltech pultruded cooling towers are very, strong and unique featured towers with lots of advantages. These offer much longevity and resists corrosion. Paltech pultruded cooling towers are light weight and construction/installation time is less in comparison to conventional cooling towers such as RCC and wooden cooling towers. Paltech pultruded FRP cooling towers are best suited for sea water application as a replacement for old and large wooden cooling towers or fresh installation of new cooling towers in place of conventional cooling towers. Paltech pultruded FRP cooling towers offers single cell capacity up to 5000 m3/hr and multi cell capacity to any quantity in counter flow design with film till and splash fill. The company, founded in 1986 as a cooling tower manufacturing company, stands for the highest standards of quality and integrity in business of cooling towers and chilling plants. Its reputation for uncompromising professionalism in everything it does has earned the trust of clients. Today it is one of the leading manufacturers of cooling towers and chilling plants in the world. The growth and expansion of the company took place simultaneously with the growing market demand for Paltech products.

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