Forced Draft Cooling Towers


Forced Draft Cooling Towers

Coolflow Cooling Towers offers Forced Draft Cooling Towers, CFFD Series. These towers are manufactured with a complete range of upto 450 TR in a single cell. Higher capacity cooling towers are available with multicell configuration. PVT fill media, the heart of cooling tower, can withstand a temperature of up to 55 degree C. The hot water distribution system is a network of PVC pipes and is designed to operate with minimum of maintenance, thus, eliminating the possibilities of blockage of sprinkler pipe holes and sprinkler head due to scaling and presence of foreign material in the water. The distribution system is un-pressurised, gravity flow.<br> <br><p><b>Advantages:</b> <ul> <li><b>Saving in water consumption</b></li> The exit air velocity in forced draft cooling towers being low, the carry over water loss is just 0.05 %, as compared to 0.2 % in other induced draft cooling towers. Forced draft cooling towers being closed from all the sides have a negligible spillage loss. This also eliminates any algae formation around the cooling tower.<br> <li><b>Saving in space consumption</b></li> The clearance required for forced draft cooling towers is only from one side in the fan direction. Thereby, saving 50 % of effective space required, as compared to other induced draft cooling towers.<br> <li><b>Saving in power consumption</b></li> The actual power consumed by forced draft cooling tower fan motor is less, as they handle dry air, as compared to other induced draft cooling towers, which handle humid air.<br> <li><b>Gravity flow un-pressurised distribution system</b></li> Forced draft cooling towers operate with twin headers, ensuring uniform distribution of hot water throughout the cross section of fill pack. The hot water distribution is completely gravity flow. Other induced draft round bottle shape cooling towers operate with moving sprinkler & branch pipe, which always have more possibility of blockage of branch holes, thus, effecting efficiency. Moreover, the distribution system of forced draft cooling towers can be cleaned, while the system is in operation, without a shut down. In case of round bottle shape induced draft cooling tower, the distribution system can only be attended, when the complete system is under shut down. <li><b>Twin fan & twin motor operation</b></li> Higher capacity cooling towers are provided with twin fans & twin motors. The cooling tower can be operated on part load by switching off one fan & saving energy. In case of motor break down, the cooling tower can still be operated on part load, rather than being shut down. <br> <li><b>Easy maintenance</b></li> The fan assembly and other cooling tower intervals are easily accessible. The distribution system can be attended to, while the cooling tower is in operation. The fan assembly & motor are easy to inspect, as they are installed near the cooling tower foundation, as compared to other induced draft cooling towers. <br> <li><b>Reduced down time during maintenance</b></li> Forced draft cooling towers can be easily dismantled and assembled back, during periodic routine maintenance. </ul>

<ul> <li>AC & refrigeration plants</li> <li>Cold storage & ice plants</li> <li>DG sets</li> <li>Induction furnace</li> <li>Air compressors</li> <li>Plastic Industries</li> <li>Industrial process applications<br> </li> </ul>

<ul> <li>Saving in power consumption</li> <li>Saving in space consumption</li> <li>Saving in water consumption</li> <li>Easy maintenance during cooling tower in operation</li> <li>Reduced down time</li> <li>Higher range of cooling towers are designed with multiple fans and multiple motors, enabling the user to operated the cooling tower on part load, whenever required</li> <li>All components are easily accessible during operation</li> <li>Very low drift losses</li> <li>Can be operated with centrifugal fans for soundless operation</li> <li>Minimum clearance required for installation<br> </li> </ul>

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