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Polymer Industries offers Plastic Sheet, Polyslick DM. Polyslick DM has more reduced coefficient of friction and an increased wear resistance because of its special additives, which include strengthening compounds, wax fillers, and also because of the method of production (double sintering). Therefore, polyslick DM achieves excellent lifetimes even under extreme operating conditions such as higher speed and aggressive fillers. Field tests confirm substantially better results. More than 20 years of experience with the material has made polyslick DM the speciality of polymer industries. Polyslick DM has proved to be an excellent material in connection with plastic as well as metallic fabrics.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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