Thermax Bags Rs 1,700 Crore Order

  • Industry News
  • Jul 08,13
Thermax Bags Rs 1,700 Crore Order

Pune-based energy and environment solutions' major, Thermax Ltd, announced that it has bagged a contract worth Rs 1,700 crore from a leading petrochemical company for the design, manufacture, and commissioning of nine CFBC (circulating fluidised bed combustion) high pressure boilers of 500 TPH each for two of its plants. According to the company, the order was won against stiff global competition, the single largest one from a client for deployment of CFBC boilers. "This order reflects the customer's confidence in Thermax's extensive experience with CFBC technology across India on a variety of low-grade solid fuels, as also trust in our manufacturing and project execution capabilities," said M.S. Unnikrishnan, MD and CEO of Thermax.

As per the contract, the boilers are to be commissioned at client sites within a time frame of 25-29 months and will generate steam for process and power generation and will use petcoke and coal as fuel. Petcoke, essentially a refinery waste, has high heat value and low ash content, making it a cost-effective fuel. Using fourth generation CFBC technology, Thermax boilers will burn these multiple fuels to achieve high levels of temperature control and almost negligible downtime for maintenance, a company statement said. Thermax offers integrated solutions in the areas of heating; cooling; power; water and waste management; air pollution control; and chemicals. It has manufacturing facilities in India, China and Europe.

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