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Hannover/Chicago - Deutsche Messe AG is continuing to expand its activities worldwide and is now organizing the first-ever MDA North America from 8 to 13 September 2014. It will take place parallel to the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago. Another event in the trade fair portfolio of Deutsche Messe AG - Industrial Automation North America - celebrated its impressive premiere there last year.
"The success of Industrial Automation North America showed that the core competence from the HANNOVER MESSE portfolio perfectly complements the machine tools fair IMTS. Nothing demonstrates our commitment to developing our activities in North America better than MDA North America, which will serve as a perfect platform for exhibitors from power transmission and control technology on one of the biggest markets in this sector," said Dr Andreas Gruchow, member of the Managing Board at Deutsche Messe AG.
"Germany is the American market's No. 1 supplier of products in the power transmission and control technology sector. More than one fifth (21.1 per cent) of total exports of power transmission and fluid technology to the USA (worth
KUSAM-MECO” HOOK TYPE HIGHLY INSULATED FRP TELESCOPIC EARTH/DISCHARGE ROD ‘Kusam-Meco’ has added a full new range of hook type highly insulated FRP Telescopic Earth /Discharge Rod, Model: KM-HKDR-1 Read more
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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