Gantry/Goliath Cranes

Gantry/Goliath Cranes

Grip Engineers Pvt Ltd offers Gantry/Goliath Cranes that are adapted to applications where overhead runways would be very long, costly to erect and difficult to maintain in alignment. Where the installation is only temporary, a gantry crane can be moved to a new location with less trouble or expenses than an overhead crane and its runway. Also it is comparatively easy and inexpensive to extend the length of the runway and thus increase the working area of the crane. Most gantry cranes installations are outdoors. The initial cost of a gantry crane, which may be double than that of an overhead crane, must be equated against the additional cost of an overhead runway. Grip range of gantry cranes can be broadly classified into the following categories: deck – leg gantry; through – leg gantry; semi gantry; and portal gantry.

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