Forklift Truck Scales, Hydraulic

Forklift Truck Scales, Hydraulic

EHP India offers hydraulic Forklift Truck Scales, RCS Hy-Q, manufactured by RAVAS Europe B.V., The Netherlands. These are top quality, indestructible hydraulic scales for forklift trucks and reach trucks. Benefits: high accuracy hydraulic scale; load centre point variations hardly affect the weighing accuracy; overload indication in display; used in combination with rotators and clamps; suitable for rough applications; intuitive full colour graphic display guides the user; no manifold block: easy and cost efficient installation. Functions: manual zero correction; self-learning zero correction; gross/net weighing (by tare weighing or preset tare entry); total function with five separate registers that can be named by the operator; overload indication, based on actual hydraulic pressure, not on calculated weight; and error message in display. How it works: two sensors, in a metal enclosure are installed on the mast, to measure the lift and lowering speed of the forks. The sensors register the load passing between them, at which point the indicator samples the hydraulic pressure output approximately 1000 times and calculates an average value. The weighing sequence is both UP and DOWN past the sensors and has to be done within a predefined speed.

  • Capacity – 2,500, 5,000 or 10,000 kg
  • Graduation – 2 kg at 2,500 kg capacity, 5 kg at 5,000 kg capacity, 10 kg at 10,000 kg capacity
  • System tolerance – 0.2% of the scale capacity
  • Display – graphic full-colour display
  • Keyboard – 9 keys
  • Protection class – IP65/NEMA 4
  • Power supply – 12 V DC, from truck battery

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