Powerised Roller Conveyors

Powerised Roller Conveyors

Dhanvanthri Engineers Pvt Ltd offers a range of Powerised Roller Conveyors that are used to carry loads at controlled speed. These roller-to-roller transmission chain driven roller conveyors are used where the properties of the item are not suitable for easy movement with gravity and also where dirt, oil, grease and other contamination are present. The driving chain or chains are at any one end of the rollers and are covered from the surrounding environment. These conveyors can be designed for accumulating type of equipment by converting the rollers into a ‘power & free’ type of configuration, with machined pipe rollers with end bearings, welded sprockets, common shaft and mounted at certain pitch on structure. The inclined power conveyor increases usable space by utilising basements, mezzanines, lofts and other limited access areas, providing an uninterrupted flow of goods to and from these areas. Powerised roller conveyors are used to carry load at controlled speed. Roll to roll chain driven live roller conveyors are used where dirt, oil, grease and other contamination are present. The driving chain or chains are at ends of the rollers and are shielded. The DE-PRC series is designed to handle heavy loads up to 2000 kg for transport or assembly. They can be designed to run continuously or to be an indexing system. The incorporation of the torque limiter makes the systems more efficient and long lasting nature. The company offers a range of such heavy-duty systems. Application are for pallet handling, drum handling, tyre handling, etc.

Products from Dhanvanthri Engineers Private Limited


Idler Roller Conveyor

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Inclined Bucket Elevators

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Bucket Elevators, Positive Discharge

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