Industrial Washing Machines

Industrial Washing Machines

Nowadays industrial component washing is receiving great importance. Many companies, especially those with foreign technical collaborators, are giving utmost attention to washing of auto components. Millipore test and standards are accepted in every industry. Major problems observed in industrial washing are: 1. Selection of cleaning solvent; 2. Non-consistency in millipore test; 3. Poor filtration and maintenance problems thereof; 4. Centralized cleaning hence increase in material transportation; and 5. Heavy operating cost. Madhusha has studied and observed these problems since last 16 years and developed Madhusha industrial washing techniques (MIWT) to overcome problems mentioned abov. These are: 1. LSET - liquid surface elastic technique; 2. BMT - burr management technique; 3. FOST - fast oil separation technique; and 4. FFT - filter less filtration technique. With use of these techniques, savings of 30% of electricity and 40% of operating and maintenance costs are claimed. The company offers demonstration of these techniques at its works in Pune. It offers turnkey solution regarding selection of solvents and selection of washing machine model.

Products from Madhusha Industries


Pressure Cleaning System With Auto Skimmer

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


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