Self retracting hose reels

Self retracting hose reels

Esab India along with AB Ph Nederman & Co Sweden, has applied the concept of capture at source and brings a range of self-retracting hose reels for supply of air, water, grease, oil and oxy fuel gas to work stations. Spring retracting service reels is an easy, efficient and above all economical way to manage the hoses and cables in the factories and work shops. Wear and tear of hoses is mainly caused by mechanical damage. Left on the floor, they are likely to be run over by fork lifts and further damaged by pallets, off cuts and debris in beneral being dropped on them. Service reels save time as well. Lightweight tool may be left hanging from the hose or the cable and may easily be reached when required. It is much harder to keep a workplace clean when the floor is covered with tangled hoses and cables. With the service reels the floors are kept clean and uncluttered. Statistics show that tripping over hoses is the most common accident in the industry, ten times more than that caused by electricity. Hose reels prevent accidents. Available in hoses of various ID"s and lengths they are sure to improve the workspace environment.

Products from ESAB India Limited


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