Instrumentational Manifolds

Instrumentational Manifolds

Fluid Controls offers a series of Instrumentational Manifolds, which are compact piping and control in lines involving pressure and differential pressure instruments. Manifold eliminates several parts used in the conventional method of piping with individual valves and adaptors resulting in costs saving. These are available in 2, 3 or 5 Valves construction.

Fluid Controls Manifolds are available in four different types of designs.

  • Separately Mounted Manifolds meant for installation from the instrument and are usually connected by means of pipes or tubes, pipes and pipe fittings/tubes and tube fittings.
  • Direct Mounting“T” Type Manifolds for the direct mounting on the instrument and screwed process connections.
  • Direct Mounting “H” Type Manifolds for stacked assembly between the instrument and flanged process connection.
  • Co-Planar Manifolds mounted directly on to the instrument eliminating the adapter plate.


  • The stem threads rolled to reduce friction.
  • Stem threads are coated with silver teflon mixture to allow for smooth operation.
  • The stem plug has swivelling design and uniquely hardened to provide for wear and long life.
  • The pipe sealing system to prevent blowout of the stem and reduce gland leakage.

Fluid Controls Private Limited was established in 1974. The Company is certified with ISO 9001:2008 from Det Norske Veritas and has obtained PED certification. Fluid Controls has product certifications for BS 4368: Part IV 1984, ASTM F1387-99 (2005), MSS-SP-99 for valves, ball valve certification under API 607 and fugitive emission for valves. the company is involved in the manufacture of double ferrule compression tube fittings, valves, manifolds and specialized accessories for use in instrumentation, hydraulics, pneumatics, and lubrication. The company has a wide range of products for the oil and gas industries, petrochemicals, rotating machinery, power generation, cryogenic and vacuum applications among others.

  • Two Valve Manifolds are used in pressure instrument such as pressure gauges, pressure transmitters, pressure switches, etc.
  • Three Valve and Five Valve Manifolds are used in differential pressure instruments such as differential pressure transmitters, differential pressure switches, differential pressure gauges etc.
  • Five Valve Manifolds are normally used with differential pressure instruments where drain valves are required on the instrument side. These are also useful for flushing of the system and prevention of loss of expensive Fluid Controls in the impulses.

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