Industrial Fermentation Consultancy Services

Industrial Fermentation Consultancy Services

Navin Process Systems offer Industrial Fermentation Consultancy Services. Areas of Expertise: Design of complete fermentation plants, including culture laboratories & utility services, for a wide variety of fermentation processes such as antibiotics, vaccines, vitamins, steroids, acids, bio fertilizers, bio pesticides, etc; Design of large scale submerged fermentors & associated sterile/ non-sterile equipments for mycelial, actinomycete, yeast & bacterial fermentations; Prevention & control of contamination, including getting rid of all types of contamination in existing plants, i.e. yeast, phage, bacterial & cross contamination; Design of aseptic transfer pipelines, with sterile sections & steam locking arrangement, for long-term contamination-free performance; Design of fed batch, repeated (cyclic) fed batch, & continuous (chemostat) fermentation systems, for laboratory, pilot plant or commercial scale operations; Design of automatic aseptic feed dosing systems with feed flow measurement for fed batch fermentations; Design of appropriate process control instrumentation systems for various fermentation parameters such as temperature, aeration, agitation, pH, DO, level, foam, exhaust gas, etc; Design of automatic media sterilization, either in-situ or external (i.e. through continuous media sterilizer); Design of air filtration systems; Troubleshooting of fermentation processes from laboratory to commercial scale; Planning of plant revamps including stagewise phasing out of outdated equipments & induction of new equipments; Planning & supervising periodic maintenance shutdowns (total or partial shutdowns) in existing plants, to ensure minimum loss of productivity & minimum downtime of equipments; We augment the designing & planning work by undertaking the following activities: Purchase assistance including vendor identification, drawing up of equipment specifications, tender enquiry & tender evaluation; inspection of equipments during fabrication/manufacture; Supervision of erection & commissioning of the plant & machinery; Training of plant engineers & technicians in carrying out sterile process operations; Complete assignments on turnkey basis for project execution of fermentation plants, from process/ technology selection, process development & basic engineering right up to erection & commissioning of the plant; Co-ordination for productivity improvement between source(s) of technology & operating personnel, implementation of productivity improvement program at the laboratory or pilot plant scale, scaling-up of results on commercial scale, & establishment of productivity norms in the plant.

Products from Navin Process Systems


Autoclavable Laboratory Fermentors

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Autoclave Stirred Tanks & Pressure Vessels

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Automatic Feed Dosing Systems

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Automatic Fly Food Maker & Dispenser Systems

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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