Ice Block Machine

Ice Block Machine

Chirag Ice Factory Pvt Limited offers a wide range of ICE Block Machine. Ice for industrial use has been traditionally made in the form of blocks of different sizes and weight. For applications where small fragmented ice is unsuitable, block ice is the best alternative. They can design and manufacture containerised block ice maker as per customer needs. Only high-quality refrigeration machinery and materials are used for manufacturing, ensuring high durability and minimum maintenance. The design of block ice plant is simple, and hence operations such as filling of the ice cans, ice-harvesting and ice-processing cans ,require minimum skills. Containerised Block Ice Plant System Operation: Thin-walled ice cans in specially designed racks are filled with pre-cooled water and dipped into a tank where cold brine (salt solution) is circulated around the cans. The size of the tank required is related to the daily production requirements. After freezing, a travelling crane lifts a row of cans and transports them to a thawing tank at the end of the freezing tank, where they are submerged in water to release the ice from the moulds. The cans are tipped to remove the blocks, refilled with fresh water and replaced in the brine tank for a further cycle. The blocks slide out and are either stocked in a storage room or distributed directly as a whole block.

  • The containerised design saves initial construction cost
  • Unique design makes plant easy to operate
  • Can be set up on site and move to another site in no time
  • Ice Cans made of galvanised iron or Stainless Steel
  • Environmentally Safe Ammonia
  • Evaporative Condensers
  • Shell & Tube Condensers
  • Energy efficient Refrigeration Compressor
  • Heavy-duty Construction.

Products from Chirag Ice Factory Private Limited


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