Electrocut CNC – Major Cantiliver

Electrocut CNC – Major Cantiliver

Elektroweld Automations India (P) Ltd offers Electrocut CNC – Major Cantiliver. Machine features: comprises of 5.7 high-definition lattice LCD display; high speed 16-bit single-chip microcomputer and hardware interpolator control; stepper motor with high subdivision control for smooth movement and low noise; cutting length – 3000 mm, can be increased in future; cutting width – 1750 mm (fixed); 64 user programs can be loaded in machine, each program of maximum 512 lines; machine can be operated in automatic or manual mode; it is very user friendly to load, edit, view or delete the programs into machine; cutting simulation can be seen on the screen of the machine; cutting parameters and location of torch can be monitored on screen; shape being cut can be zoomed and navigated; cutting can be resumed in case of power failure from the stopped point if the location of torch is not displaced; improperly or incompletely cut part can be reworked without hassle or disturbing currently run program; compensation can as well be given during running of the machine; cutting parameters can be set at any moment by pausing the machine; system can be diagnosed for output and input parameters at any instant; machine automatically takes starting point as the reference point; torch height can be adjusted manually or by machine controls; auto ignition (optional) for gas cutting; and motorised cutter post. Elektroweld Automations India (P) Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of premium quality welding equipments and accessories. The company strictly follows and adheres to international standards for quality.

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