Cold Work & Alloy Tool Steels

Cold Work & Alloy Tool Steels

Saatveeka Group is India’s largest distributor of high-speed steels and tool steels accredited with ISO 9001-2000 certification. The company is associated with GKW Limited, Powmex Steels Division since 1999 as vendors for their melting requirements, ferro alloys and noble metals. It is an authorised stockist of Powmex high speed steels, and cold work alloy tool steels. Major customers include Yuken India, Addison, Miranda Tools, Zenith Birla (ITM), JK Files & Tools, Dagger Forst, CMH Tools, Aamcol Tools, Mitsubishi, YG-1 India, and 360 users of high speed steels and tool steels. The company is expanding by adding new facility at Bangalore to meet cut-to-length, machining and grinding facility to meet end users requirement including heat treated blanks/ tools with focus on weekly deliveries to customers ensuring inventory and cost reduction. Major applications of cold work and alloy tools steels: industrial rolls, guides, wear parts, forming and shear rolls, punches, gauges, blanking, trimming and extrusion dies. The group is looking to represent quality manufacturer of high speed and tool steel powder metallurgy products on joint venture basis to meet requirements of cutting tool and automobile segments.

Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

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