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Salvagnini Machinery India Pvt Ltd offers Fibre Laser, L3. This is an eco-friendly high-performance laser, economical to run and easy to use. On the L3, optical fibre is used both to generate the beam inside the electronic source and to transport the beam from the source to the cutting head. This offers a large number of advantages, including the elimination of optical path and laser gas as well as the creation of a more simple and compact layout. The single cutting head uses only one lens for high-quality cutting across the entire range of thicknesses. The wavelength typical of fibre means that highly reflective materials, such as high-purity aluminium alloys, brass, copper and galvanized steel, can all be cut successfully. The airplane structure carriage design is extremely rigid and allows fast and accurate positioning together with easy access to the work piece. The machines have been installed in major cities across India and demonstrations can be arranged with prior appointments.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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