Semi Down Draft Paint Spray Booth

Semi Down Draft Paint Spray Booth

National Enterprises offers Semi Down Draft Paint Spray Booth. The Semi Down Draft (the direction of ?ow of air is towards the side walls of spray booth) Paint Spray Booth is suitable for conventional, air-less and electrostatic spray painting and its consists of painting chamber, Inlet Air Filter, Paint Trap Filters, axial ?ow Fan, electric motor, duct and canopy etc. The design of the paint booth will be of semi down draft type paint booth with disposable paint trap ?lters on side walls. The intake air into the paint booth is ?ltered by intake ?lter to avoid foreign particle deposition on the painted surface. The intake air is sucked into the room by the extraction modules located on the side walls.

Spray booth is of rectangular shape rigid bolted construction. The structure is self-supporting and will not need supporting foundation except ?xing bolts. Fabricated out of 18swg M.S. Sheet panels bolted with structural steel for rigidity.


  • Maintains dust level to minimum, prevents spreading of paint and maintains clean air at the operators breathing level.
  • Collects over sprayed paint, solid and discharge solvent fumes outside the building.
  • Reduces the ?re hazard.

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