Powder Spray Cum Recovery Booth

Powder Spray Cum Recovery Booth

A K Enterprises is the first manufacturer of powder coating equipment in eastern India. The company offers a Powder Spray Cum Recovery Booth. Special features: ductless design booth; high powder recovery efficiency-guaranteed 99% plus powder recovery with logical evidence; pre and post sieving of powder; automatic transfer of recollected powder to hopper with after filter recovery option; easy and fast colour changing within 5 minutes; easy cleaning of booth and recovery clones; detachable form for easy assembly and detachment and less transportation cost; less power consumption; and available in powder coated/stainless steel models. Mechanism of rotary cyclone: rotary cyclone is wholly integrated top entry system where the "Powder Air" mixture enters a stabilising chamber and is then equally distributed at an exactly equal pressure and volume in each clone. This special design results in a guaranteed 99% plus powder recovery, all the ductwork is truly eliminated, since powder enters from the top of every clone through the stabilizing chamber access to clones for cleaning is extremely easy. Access door is provided on the stabilizing chamber resulting in super quick cleanups, rotary wings on top of each clone provides strong centrifugal action to the powder air mixture and therefore very high recovery efficiency. Pressure drop is reduced because of absence of ductwork. Powder consumption is less and for the same power rating large booths can be designed, the recovery clones are powder coated after eight stage hot phosphating.

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