Coatings (Nonfused), By Powder Flame Gun

Coatings (Nonfused), By Powder Flame Gun

Sintered & Sprayed Ceramics specializes in various fusible and non fusible industrial thermal coatings such as satellites, tungsten, carbides, boron carbides, chromium carbides and ceramics. The equipment for non fused coatings by powder flame gun process is more compact than for other types of thermal spraying. The powder feed stock could be pure metal, alloy, composite, carbide, ceramic, cermet or any combination of these. The feed stock is stored in a hopper, which may be an integral part of the gun, or connected to it. A small amount of gas is diverted to carry the feed stock into the oxygen fuel gas stream, where the powder is melted and carried by the flame and deposited into the substrate.

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