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Countronics offers Humidity/ Temperature Controllers, 7210. It is digital. It gives a direct and accurate display of humidity and temperature based on the classical but accurate dry/ wet temperature sensing technique. It has 4 control relay outputs for switching of humidifier, de-humidifier, heater and cooler logics. Its humidity measurement ranges from 0-99% where as temperature display is from 0-99.9°C. The sensors are sealed platinum PT100 sensors in SS making them immune to atmospheric gases, etc. A sturdy sensor body has an in-built water reservoir with facility to connect a water-drip to ensure the wick never dries up making it ideal for remote locations requiring high accuracy up to ±2% ± 1 least significant digit for humidity and ± 0.2°C ± 1 least significant digit for temperature. Optional RS232 output can be connected to loggers/ recorders. It is a rugged solution for industrial use with membrane type front panel switches and powder coated metallic housing. It is ideal for industries maintaining controlled environments.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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