Dew Point Analyser/Air Moisture Detector

Dew Point Analyser/Air Moisture Detector

Dayal Pneumatics And Weighing Technologies offers a Dew Point Analyser/Air Moisture Detector. Compression of ambient air, which contains water vapour, leads to formation of moisture, water droplets and bulk liquid water. This moisture ridden compressed air flows into critical systems, consequently necessitating spending thousands and even lakh of rupees to prevent the harmful effects of this moisture ridden air. By knowing the degree of moisture content in compressed air at frequent intervals one can take preventive steps before damage is done as "prevention is better than cure". Also users will know whether they are getting the value for money invested for compressed air purification system. The company offers inexpensive laboratory type "dew point analyser" that will help understand the degree of water content in compressed air. These analysers are a must for all kinds of users of compressed air like instrumentation, food processing, pneumatic tools, pneumatic conveying, pharmaceuticals, textiles and garments, painting, foundries, breathing air, pet bottles, electronics and electricals like PCB manufacturing and switching stations, heavy earth moving equipment, automobiles and workshops, and cement plants to name a few.

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