Numerical Transformer Differential Relay

  • This JND 040 is a two winding numerical transformer differential relay. The relay is used for protection of power transformer against hazardous internal faults.
  • This JND 040 provides differential protection for power transformer. The Relay measures the line current of each phase from each winding of the transformer.
  • The Relay calculates differential current (Id) and restraining current (Ir) per phase. The differential characteristics define the operating and the restraining regions. T
  • The shape of the characteristics defined by Initial pickup (ik), SLOPE1 (DFI), SLOPE2 (DF2) and break point (kp) are programmable. If ‘Ir’ is less than ‘kp’, then characteristics is defined by ‘DF1 and is appli- cable for small differential currents. If ‘Ir’ is greater than or equal to ‘kp’, then characteristics is defined by ‘DF2’ and is applicable for large differential currents. If the operating point i.e. (Id, Ir) is within the operating region, then relay trips. 
  • The relay provides programmable 2nd and 5th harmonic current restraint, which exists when transformer is energized and over excitation condition exists respectively. 
  • The relay provides stability on external “line to line” and “line to ground” faults. The relay has in-built vector group compensation selection and CT ratio correction, hence  the  usage  of  external  interposing  CT  can  be avoided.
  • Its features include: biased current differential protection; fast differential hi-set;dual slope characteristics; inbuilt CT ratio correction factor; adjustable 2nd  harmonic restraint; adjustable 5th harmonic blocking; inbuilt vector group compensation; two groups of settings; history of 5 latest faults.

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Numerical Transformer Differential Relay

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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