Programmable Pulse Generator

Programmable Pulse Generator

Nippon Pulse Motor Co has introduced a highly functional Programmable Pulse Generator, Model PCL6045BL. The PCL6045BL is CMOS LSI designed to provide high speed 6.5 Mpps pulses to drive stepper motors and servomotors using various commands. Main features of the LSI are: circular interpolation between 2 desired axes and linear interpolation among 2 to 4 desired axes in addition to linear acceleration/deceleration and S-curve acceleration/deceleration; pre-registers enable continuous interpolation during operation in progress; built-in 4 up/down counters per axis/5 comparators per axis; overriding operating pulse rate and target position during operation in progress; and the PCL6045BL is user-friendly adopting 3.3 V single power supply and JEDEC standard package with economical pricing. The intelligent design reduces burden on CPU units to control motors. The company offers various controllers, drivers and motors to cover almost any stepper motor application.

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