Isolated base power modules

Isolated base power modules

Semikron Electronics offers these Isolated base power modules. These are available in various configurations like SCR/SCR, SCR/diode and diode/diode and in current range of 15-75 A and PIV up to 1600 V. Also, single phase and three phase bridge rectifiers are available from 10 to 100 A. Specific advantage of these modules is that a number of modules can be mounted on the same heat sink. This minimises the total size of the assembly. If discrete devices are used, each has to be mounted on a separate heat sink to avoid shorting. Also wiring between various devices is minimised. Discrete stud type thyristors and diodes are also available. Thyristors from 16 to 170 A, diodes from 16 to 320 A, in both stud anode and stud cathode configurations and PIV up to 1600 V is available. Semikron offers Semitrans IGBT modules in 600/1200 V and 1700 V range, current range 15 to 400 A. These are available in various configurations - single switch, half bridge and six pack with SkiiP technology. The new 1200 V IGBT modules are of soft punch through type. They have significant advantage over the standard IGBT module - lower values of Vce (sat), Eon and Eoff (energy dissipation during turn on/turn off). These modules are available ex-stock. Competitive prices and excise gate pass for MODVAT benefit for quantity requirements available.

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