Eddy Current Sensor Conditioner

Eddy Current Sensor Conditioner

Super Technologies offers Eddy Current Sensor Conditioner from Cedrat Technologies, France. Eddy current sensor conditioners manage the signal from the eddy current probe PC-x: the ECS75-x is an eddy current sensor that could be implemented on a 19' board, offering up to 2 independent channels; the ECS750EM is an OEM version which is integrated in a rack 12F supplied by an external DC power supply. Both these conditioners linearise the output from the PC probe with a high order polynomial function programmed in a digital component. In option, differential function and probes synchronisation are possible. The gain of each channel is generally set when the eddy current probe is embedded in the mechanism. The ECS-u10 is a cost-effective conditioner. It is built around the input analogue stage of the ECS75 board but with out the digital stage performing the linearisation.

It includes only one channel but in option differential measurement and synchronisation are possible. Super Technologies is a leading system integration and product distribution organisation, engaged in providing cutting edge technology solutions. It carries a clear vision of providing the best in the world to engineers in mechanical and electronics development in its technical experience with a good team. The company offers an unrivalled portfolio of products that caters to research and development establishments, defence, aerospace, industrial applications and technical institutions. It offers software solutions including a wide range of electrical and mechatronic engineering applications to meet most user profiles. From mechatronics systems to power systems, from electromagnetism to electromechanics, software solutions are dedicated to increasing productivity and helping clients improve the performance of their devices and systems.

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