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On Load Gears offers a transformer Tapchanger, Type (A) ABS III. This is air insulated oil-less unit intended for application to dry type or oil less transformers in 11 kV range. It is a unit in which the power switch is enclosed in an indoor vermin proof sheet metal enclosure. The terminals for connection to the transformer are brought out to an insulated terminal board. The drive mechanism is an integral assembly of OLTC. The entire tapchanger is to be bolted down to an extension of the transformer core and coil base frame. As the tapchanger produces arc in air during tapchange, it is not recommended for use in inflammable environment, prevalent in underground mines, oil refineries, etc. The complete enclosure conforms to protection class IP 5X of IEC 60529. All the live parts are insulated in air from ground for test voltages corresponding to 11 kV class. The continuous current rating is available in two ranges of 65 A and 100 A. The OLTC rated for is suitable for transformer up to 1750 kVA and 100 A can be used for transformer rated up to 2000 kVA. The tapchanger can be supplied in single phase or in three-phase version. Three phase units are suitable for application at any location of three-phase star or delta connected transformer. The company also offers On Load Tapchanger, Porcelain Clad Outdoor VCB, Tapchanger Type ABS, Outdoor VCB - Porcelain Clad, etc.
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INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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