Brushless Servo System With Indexer

Brushless Servo System With Indexer

Parker Hannifin Corporation, Compumotor Division, has introduced a new CEmarked brushless servo that features a powerful indexer configured and programmed via a standard serial link. Once programmed, the BDHX-E can execute internally-stored motion programs, follow motion from an external encoder or accept streamed commands via RS-232C or RS-485. In many applications, the serial link is not needed after initial configuration and program storage. The unit's non-volatile memory stores up to 64 motion- programs. The X150E indexer provides extremely flexible input and output facilities to ensure that integration into a PLC-controlled system is straightforward. Offering user-definable input and output functions, the X150E provides 6 programmable outputs and 10 inputs; inputs can be set for either 5 V or 24 V switching levels, active-high (for connection to PNP outputs on the PLC) or active-low (for NPN outputs). Operating modes include incremental and absolute indexing, continuous run, registration moves, velocity profiling during preset moves, scaled following, following with super-imposed indexing, and jogging/homing functions. Up to 32 drives can be daisychained or multidropped via RS-232C or RS-485, respectively. The BDHX-E package is available with two different AC brushless servo motors, and is capable of accommodating speeds up to 5,000 RPM and peak torques to 124 in.lbs. A major feature of the new system is direct on-line operation at 230 V AC without the additional size, weight and cost of a separate transformer. The BDHX-E fully complies with the European EMC and Low Voltage Directives, and requires no additional transformers, power supplies or external filter units. Each EDHX-E Series servo system is comprised a high performance drive and three-phase brushless motor, and employs high-resolution sinusoidal commutation to ensure extremely smooth rotation over the full speed range. Two drive units are available, with continuous current outputs of 3 A (Model BDHX75E) and 6 A (Model BDHX 150E). The system's 6-pole MD Series servo motors employ rare earth magnets to create the high air-gap flux densities needed to maximise torque and efficiency.

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