High Voltage Breakdown Testers

High Voltage Breakdown Testers

SEECO has introduced a high voltage test apparatus that detects insulation values. The unit consists of a continuously variable autotransformer that increases or decreases the high voltage with suitable calibrated high voltage voltmeter. The testers include HT 'On' push buttons HT `On?, indicators and HT `Off?, tripping, etc. It is a very simple circuit that incorporates a continuously variable autotransformer having zero start facility connected to the high voltage step up transformer. HT point is brought out on to a spring loaded test prod and the lower end of the HT winding is at near earth potential and is also brought out through the electric circuitry and terminated to second end of the test prod. Suitable voltmeter is provided on the panel to indicate the applied high voltage. If the failure of the test piece occurs, the supply to the voltmeter is maintained and indicates at what voltage the unit has failed. Higher kV rating insulation tests like 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 300 kV units are also available in different models like oil cooling sections, with condenser type HV points. Portable DC insulation testers: these units are available in various types and various DC high voltages ranging from 5 kV to 150 kV. Portable units are very compact and easy to operate. Safety feature: zero start interlock; surge limiting resistor in series with HV output; instantaneous electronic relay; output shorting relay; surge protectors. Oil test sets: this set is designed for testing of dielectric strength of insulating oil and liquids. Models available: 0-50 kV; and 0-100 kV.

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