Digital Multimeters

Digital Multimeters

New Fluke 180 Series digital multimeters with new features such as temperature measurement, real time clock, data logging and PC communication. Models 187 and 189 digital multimeters are designed with the most advanced features, to meet the needs of the plant maintenance, electrical, control and process technicians. The new series represents the next generation of powerful and accurate handheld digital multimeters. The meters boast 0.025 percent accuracy and 50,000 counts of resolution on a multiple reading display that includes a real time clock, enhancing troubleshooting with the ability to correlate time of day with events. Place the leads on the circuit and a stable reading is instantly displayed. Logging capability: the Fluke 189 can be set up to capture and store measurement data while unattended, allowing a user to collect information about a measurement over time for later analysis. In the logging mode, the meter monitors all "changes" in the input signal and then stores a summary of those changes based on a timed interval as well as the stability of the measured signal.

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