Flexible Couplings

Flexible Couplings

Rotolinear Systems offers Gummi Flexible Couplings for high torque transmission. Model BR type has range from 4080 Nm to 150400 Nm nominal torque and with bore sizes 30 to 300 mm. They can transmit a torque value of 4000 and 250000 Nm while keeping their capacity to absorb shaft misalignment, vibration and torque fluctuations. The prime feature of Gummi flexible couplings is that these can absorb axial, radial and angular shaft misalignment. The elastomeric compound used in Gummi rubber elements provides good resistance to chemical products and aggressive agents. These couplings are very well accepted in the market not only because of the high level of absorption of the vibrations and misalignments, but the easy and quick system to change the flexible element that is vulcanised to the steel flange. That means the best way to reduce the downtime, especially if the couplings are big. Basically in Gummi couplings, the material of the collar is rubber, which is reinforced with nylon cords. In case the torque is very high, the company has a line of high torque transmissions that transmit high torques with smaller dimensions of couplings up to 150,000 Nm.

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