Expansion Bellows


Expansion Bellows

Athulya Bellows offers Expansion Bellows. The metallic expansion bellows are available in circular and rectangular types. Circular bellows range from 50 NB to 5000 NB. Rectangular bellows are available at any size and any shape. These bellows are applicable for delivering pressurized air in a controlled quantity to a specified location. A separate inlet characterizes the bellows and valve/flap for ensuring that air enters only through the inlet and exits only through the outlet. The company offers different types of Bellows: Universal Bellows, Hinged Bellows, Axial Bellows, Gimbal bellows, Elbow Pressure Balanced Bellows, In-line Pressure Balanced Bellows, Externally Pressurized Expansion Joints. The company also offers all types of hoses.

Athulya Bellows & Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat, established in 1998 and is an eminent manufacturer/exporter of exclusive bellows and hoses. Infrastructure is the lifeline of our corporate entity, comprising of state-of-the-art equipment. We have an excellently equipped workshop supported by EJMA bases design package using PC's quality conscious workforce and precision in-built mechanical testing equipment and accessories. We deliver innovative, cost-effective and unmatched products to our worthy patrons.

Products from Athulya Bellows & Engg Private Limited


Square Bellow

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Bellows & Expansion Joints

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Axial Bellow

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