Solar PV Power Plant (Grid Connect)

Solar PV Power Plant (Grid Connect)

Sharp is a leading manufacturer in solar photovoltaic and a front runner in the manufacture of solar cells and modules since 2000. Whether for satellites, lighthouses, public buildings or private homes – the company has supplied more solar power modules than any other manufacturer in the world. The company is one of the world leaders in the evolution and production of the advanced technology to harness the sun's power through solar PV cells. It reached a significant landmark with the installation of what was the world's largest solar power system at the Nagasaki lighthouse. The company offers a grid connect solar PV power plant. Features: direct feeding of power from PV panels to utility grid; feed powers during peak hours and helps in grid stability; help reduce T&D losses by improving system voltage and frequency; generates power at the point of use to meet partial and peak load demand of the building (for captive consumption); and grid connect PV power plant range from 50 kW to 5 MW.

Products from Sharp Business Systems (India) Limited


Solar PV Power Plant (Off Grid)

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


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