VLF AC Hipot Testers

VLF AC Hipot Testers

Udeyraj Electricals Private Limited offers VLF AC Hipot Testers. It is well known that DC testing of aged extruded cable such as XLPE and EPR is potentially damaging to the cable insulation causing premature failure of the cable under service conditions. In addition, DC “proof” or hipot testing has been found to be ineffective in detecting even serious defects in cables. Since this is the main objective of any hipot test, and due to the negative side effects of DC, VLF wave form testing is now recommended by almost all cable testing standards/guides such as IEEE, CENELEC, VDE, SABS etc.Acceptance or maintenance hipot/proof testing using VLF high voltage sinusoidal AC allows the operator to efficiently detect serious cable insulation defects, before they result in an in-service failure, without affecting those healthy sections of the cable that still have remaining service life.

  • Programmable micro-controller
  • Advanced digital frequency technology
  • Built-in printer
  • Portable
  • AC HIPOT testing of cables and electrical apparatus is now easier than before
  • UDEY VLF testers are suitable for testing cables, transformers, switchgear, rotating machinery, & other electrical apparatus.

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