Microcontroller Based Temperature/Process Scanner

Microcontroller Based Temperature/Process Scanner

Libratherm offers Microcontroller based Temperature / Process Scanner Model MSI-804 is designed for continuous, simultaneous and very accurate monitoring of temperature or process values at maximum 8 different locations.

The Model accepts universal input of standard thermocouples or RTD (Pt-100)/3 wire sensors and voltage or current signals. The type of input for each channel is user selectable from the keyboard, i.e. all 8 channels can be selected for different type of inputs. MSI-804 incorporates 16 bit ADC and offers 5 digit display having the range of 0 to 20000 counts or -10000 to +10000 counts. Such wide display range makes it possible to display the temperature or process value with the highest degree of accuracy and resolution. For example, using R type thermocouple the temperature can be displayed with 0.1°C resolution from 0.0 to 1768.0°C. Similarly, any other process value can be precisely displayed with desired resolution within the specified range. Other hardware features includes, 2 nos. of common for all channels high/low built in relay outputs, 16 nos. of relay drivers – available to the user on 20 pin FRC connector and cable. FRC compatible 8 channel relay cards are also available. The respective front panel dual colour LEDs shows the status of each channel – whether it is High (Red) or Low (green) compared to their respective set values. Standard features include programmable display SCAN time, channel SKIP and HOLD facility with manual increment of the channel number using front panel membrane keyboard.

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