Energy Meter

Energy Meter

Industrial Controls & Drives is specialised in the field of customised product. The company offers an energy meter, Model EM 9004. Features: micro controller based design; true RMS measurement; 3 phase 4 wire for LT application; 3 phase 4 wire for LT application; 3 phase 3 wire for HT application; conforms IEC 62053-22 for accuracy class 0.5; conforms to EMI/EMC standards (CISPR 14, IEC 61000-4-1, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5); has direct reading without multiplication factor; low PT and CT burden (less than 0.1 VA); energy storage in EERAM with 10 years backup; auto scaling from kilo to mega; calibration pulse output 1000 imp/kWh; reverse indication for proper connection; quick and easy to install; sealed dustproof enclosure; 96 (H) x 96 (W) x 120 (D) mm ABS plastic enclosure; panel mounting; 2 row 16 character alpha numeric LCD with backlight; LCD power save mode provided; displays kW, kWh and run hour; kWh range 9999999.9 kWh (LT), 99999999 kWh (HT); run hour range 9999.59 hours; PT/CT setting through key pad with password protection; RS 485 serial port with optical isolation; protocol MODBUS RTU; supports most of the SCADA packages and PLC; and digital calibration through keypad with password protection. Applications: captive gensets; individual machines and equipments; pumps, motors and compressors; energy data logging using PC; building management system; and electronic billing system. System input: voltage input – 415 V AC for LT (-20% to +10%), 110 V AC for HT (-20% to +10%); current input – 5 A/1 A AC; overload capability – 10 times lb for 5 seconds; starting current – 0.1% of basic current; frequency range – 45.00 to 55.00 Hz; operating PF – 0.00 lag to 0.00 lead; and auxiliary supply – self powered/external 110 V AC or 230 V AC (burden less than 3 VA).

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