Surface Tensiometers

Surface Tensiometers

Measurement of surface tension is very important in many industries such as detergents, aerosols, cosmetics, waxes, strippers, pharmaceuticals, coatings, paints, etc. Sensadyne Instruments, USA, offers surface tensiometers for measurement of static and dynamic surface tension. All tensiometers replicate ASTM D3825-90 standard test method of Dynamic Surface Tension by the Fast-Bubble technique. Bubbles are formed inside the liquid by immersion probes and thus a surface is created inside the liquid. Surface tension is determined by the pressure required to break the bubble. This method removes the problem of surface contaminants. The company's patented double probe method allows complete independence from immersion depth for accurate repeatable results. The bubble rates can be up to forty or more bubbles per second, thus allowing the user to measure even the dynamic surface tensions very accurately. All the instruments are computer compatible for display of bubble rates, temperature, surface tension, etc. Software is provided for surface age determination and can also display bubble pressure waveforms.

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