Displacer Operated Magnetic Level Switch

Displacer Operated Magnetic Level Switch

Levcon Instruments, an ISO 9001 certified company through LRQA (Lloyds Register of Quality Assurance), offers displacer operated magnetic level switch. MLS series top mounted displacer operated magnetic level switches are especially suitable for level signalisation in sumps where monitoring of one or more different levels at considerable depth is required. These level switches are equally suitable for pressurised vessels, with external cage in case of side mounting outside the vessel. Features: magnetic transmission switch entirely glandless, solid/thick walled displacer as sensor for high pressure applications, conical headed displacers for applications involving suspended matters, external cage (3/4/6/8 inch NB) type for high pressure and low special grade interface applications, stilling/guide pipe (perforated) for turbulent applications, switch box rotatable, adjustable differential and set points by altering displacer positions, standard/hermetically sealed/high temperature micro switches/hermetically sealed mercury switches, IBR/Lloyds certification (if required), CMRI certification, CCE/DGFASLI approval, BIS licence for flame-proof level switches under gas Grade IIA, IIB (IS2148: 1981). Applications: level alarms and controls for sumps, storage tanks, etc., in power plants, petrochemical plants and refineries, chemical plants, paper mills, sugar mills, etc., and external cage type for high pressure/low density/interface applications. Principle of operation: the displacer, due to its weight, keeps a spring in compressed state; with rise of liquid level, the effective weight of the displacer reduces due to buoyancy thereby causing the spring to expand. This effects moving up of the magnetic sleeve thereby attracting a magnet placed outside the sleeve pipe. When this magnet moves in, it tilts the switch mechanism operating switches mounted on it. With the fall of liquid level, the displacer weight increases thereby compressing the spring. This causes sleeve to come down reducing attractive force between sleeve and magnet when the return spring of switch assembly pulls back the magnet causing the switches to re-operate.

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