On-Belt Microwave Moisture Monitor

On-Belt Microwave Moisture Monitor

Scantech is the world leader in the application of on-belt, real time measurement technologies for bulk materials. The company has over 650 analysers in 34 countries. It has developed a broad range of industrial instruments using various measurement technologies. These products are used to provide real time process control for the resources sector. The products represent the measurement systems in the current range. Measures ash content of coal in real time on the conveyor belt, using dual energy gamma rays, which pass through the total coal bed. The On-Belt Microwave Moisture Monitor, TBM 200 Series, uses continuous microwave technology to provide through belt real time measurement for a wide range of materials including coal, limestone, mineral ores and concentrates. Other products include: superSCAN SCADA software systems, stockpile management and proportioning software, options for each analyser including ultrasonic bed depth indicator and various communications connectivity types, customised designs of some models.

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