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Perfect Gears (Chennai) Private Limited

Industrial Gears
Industrial Gears

Perfect Gears (Chennai) Pvt Ltd, ISO 9001: 2008 certified by TUV SUD, offers a diverse range of Industrial Gears. These products are known to be unsurpassed in quality and versatility. The company als read more

Worm & Spline Shafts
Worm & Spline Shafts

Perfect Gears (Chennai) Pvt Ltd, ISO 9001: 2008 certified by TUV SUD, offers a diverse range of Worm & Spline Shafts. These products are known to be unsurpassed in quality and versatility. The company read more

Gear Products
Gear Products

Perfect Gears (Chennai) Pvt Ltd, ISO 9001: 2008 certified by TUV SUD, offers a diverse range of Gear Products. This includes: cut/shaved/ground spur and helical gears in Ø 10 to 1000 mm – 0.5 to 12 read more

Helical Gears
Helical Gears

Perfect Gears offers Helical Gears. They are designed in such a way that these gears can withstand harsh and repetitive use.These gears are checked at different levels of manufacturing, some of them t read more

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