Single Spindle Automatic Lathes

Single Spindle Automatic Lathes

Lall Products offers a Single Spindle Automatic Lathe, AL-42. Features: large machine base gives extra rigidity and gripping power; robust for heavy load plunging and drilling of tough materials; main spindle drive motor mounted outside, for easy adjustments this also keeps the motor cooler; main spindle "V" belts kept outside the headstock to facilitate easy replacement; and larger distance between guide bars enable use of bigger size tailstock drum for heavy and deep drilling. Specifications - (gearbox type): round diameter: 42 mm; maximum turning length: 100 mm; maximum drilling depth: 100 mm; production rate: 12-875; production rate steps: 42; spindle speeds normal: 350 to 1440 RPM; spindle speeds steps: 8; main spindle motor power: 3.73 kW; main spindle motor speed: 1440 rpm; spindle speeds (on request): 350-2000 rpm; spindle speed steps (on request): 8; main spindle motor speed (on request): 1440 rpm; feed motor power: 0.75 kW; feed motor: 960 rpm; and coolant pump motor power: 0.07 kW.

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Single Spindle Automatic Lathes

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