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Valgro Abrasives offers Bench Grinders. It is a compact and handy machine for stationary grinding, deburring and finishing operation. It is ideal for deburring and finishing wheels of 200mm out diameter and width up to 50mm, it is available in single phase and three phase model from ¼ to 5 hp capacity. This bench grinder cum polisher is suitable for deburring and finishing of small machine components by offhand application. It is made with high quality raw material and is most favorite for engineering workshop, machine shop, surgical instrument manufacturer where continues deburring operation is required. For light deburring operation 3/4 HP grinder machine is recommended and is suitable for wheel dia 200mm OD x 25mm width.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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