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Friends Engineering Works is one of the pioneers and leading manufacturers in the field of manufacturing state-of-the-art machines, used in marble quarrying, processing and finishing activities. Multi Blade Gang Saw Machine is a new generation technology with reduced operational and maintenance cost. The design of this particular machine is a result of years of enterprise and research to find a solution for higher production, cutting and sawing at reduced cost. This new innovation would not only provide owners a cutting edge over their competitors but also generate higher profits. These machines are available in various models. Construction features: articulated rectilinear arms – the main technical design behind its high performance is the four articulated rectilinear arms, which support the blade rack frame; these arms are friction free during operation, unlike traditional slideways, thus resulting in a considerable reduction of maintenance cost and elimination of recurring lubricant cost; the enclosed cover not only provides protection from dirt, dust, water and rust but also facilitates the operator to have a look on moving parts for any preventive maintenance as well as greasing while the machine is running; battery unit – the power and source of movement to the blade rack frame is provided by the battery unit which consists of heavy duty ultra-sonic tested shaft; this shaft is mounted with a flywheel in the centre and two roller bearings on either sides; and the eccentrics are mounted on either ends of the main shaft, which in turn is connected to the connecting rods.
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS FINDER (IPF) is India’s only industrial product portal. Referred to as the ‘Bible’ of the manufacturing sector in India,
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