Automotive Chassis & Body Components

Automotive Chassis & Body Components

KLT Automotive & Tubular Products is a manufacturer of precision tubes, chassis frames, chassis components and body components/assemblies that find use in the automotive industry. The company is a tier 1 supplier to many OEMs in India. It has come to invest in facilities, captive as well as independent, to cater to the exacting needs of its clients. With a well-equipped infrastructure, and design and development facilities to support the operations, the company also makes quality ERW, CDW and CDs tubes for domestic auto majors as well as other segments including the export markets. Am TS 16949 certified company, KLT Automotive & Tubular Products lays high emphasis on quality. Supplying chassis frames to automotive OEMs like Mahindra and General Motors India, the company has also invested in an autophoretic chemical coating plant. The body parts the company supplies to clients are of the hydro formed variety. To produce hydro formed body parts like cross member, and engine cradle, the company has invested in a Schuler hydroforming process.

Products from MACHINE TOOLS, POWER & HAND TOOLS Category


Perforated Metal Facades

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Rotary Broaching Tool

Deburring, Drilling, Boring, Tapping and Threading Machines

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Polygon Turning Machine

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