Water Treatment Solutions

Water Treatment Solutions

Aquaplant Equipments (India) is a pioneer and leader in sophisticated Water Treatment Solutions. The company understands the worth of this precious liquid and continues to generate awareness about recycling and reuse of sewage water. A sewage treatment plant is a sophisticated unit than a septic tank. The total footprint required for the system is only 11.25 sq.m and the system can cater a total population of 400 people, the total connected load of the packaged sewage treatment plant is only 3.50 kW, 3-phase, 415 V, which makes the system more economical in Opex, treatment costs approximately 1 paisa/ltr. The following process/equipment have been selected to meet the stringent input and output water quality: raw Sewage Water Transfer Pump (SWTP) – pumps the raw sewage water from the existing septic tank to the aeration tank; Aeration Tank (AT) – packed with specially designed spiral media which enhances and supports the growth of bio-mass through the help of artificial oxygen transfer which helps to break-down the raw sewage to a better quality end product; Hopper Bottom Setting Unit (HBSU) – special hopper bottom and spiral media enhance the settlement process to its utmost efficiency helping the treated water to be free from suspended solids; Air Compressor (AC) – transfers the required quantity of oxygen to the aeration tank to achieve the desired growth of bio-mass; it needs to be kept operational for 24 hours to keep the bio-mass alive and to help the AT to take any kind of shock loads during re-start up, and is also used to backwash the HBSU; Clarified Water Storage Tank (CWST) – collects the primary treated water from HBSU. It is equipped with a low and high level switch to reduce the continuous manning required to operate the plant; Clarified Water Transfer Pump (CWTP) – pumps the primary treated water to the dual media filter; the same pump is used to backwash the dual media filter, the low level switch installed in the CWST will switch off the pump at set low level and shall switch on the pump at set high level; Dual Media Filter (DMF) – removes the balance suspended particles, colour and odour from the primary treated water; Dis-Infection Dosing System (DIDS) – disinfects the final treated water and stops the growth of bacteria. The DIDS is equipped with electro-diaphragm dosing pump and chemical preparation tank.

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